Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Roasted Beets

You start with just regular ol' dirty beets.

Chop tops off, rinse beets, put in dish. Greens are there too.

Rinse and spin greens.

Cooked beets! They go in the 250-degree oven for 2 hours, or until soft enough to slice easily.

Peel and slice cooked beets.

Puts lots of butter on them. :D (Cover and keep warm.)

Greens in pan with much butter.

They cook down a lot. This is after sauteeing.

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Ice Cream

Ingredients for double batch: 12 egg yolks, 2 cups sugar (scant), 6 cups cream, 2 cups milk, & 2 Tbsp vanilla.

Separating the yolks from the whites. (They are very mischeivous and sometimes fight when together.) We put the yolks in the sugar.

Mom showing an egg, and then it separated.

Whisk the yolks in the sugar.

Put cream and milk in heavy saucepan. Slowly heat it, until small bubbles begin to appear around the edge of the pot. Remove from heat.

Whisking all the time, gradually (and slowly) pour the warm milk/cream mixture into the egg/sugar mixture.

Return to saucepan. Stirring constantly, reheat it until it coats the spoon. Do not let the mixture boil.

Add vanilla.

Allow the custard to chill overnight or 24 hours. Then follow your ice cream maker's instructions on how to make the ice cream.

We had our ice cream as root beer floats...

...and sharing it with friends.


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